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  1. Why 5G is a big deal

    Why 5G is a big deal

    Experts take a deep dive into 5G use cases—from smart buoys to connected cows—and explain how network 'slicing' will open the door to a whole new world of possibilities.

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  2. Developments in Turkey's External Merchandise Trade in 2020

    Developments in Turkey's External Merchandise Trade in 2020

    Developments in Turkey’s External Merchandise Trade in 2020
    In 2020, merchandise exports amounted to 169 billion 482 million US dollars with a decrease of 6.3% compared to the previous year. Meanwhile, merchandise imports increased by 4.3% and reached 219 billion 397 million US dollars. Imports excluding gold fell by 2.4% to 194 billion 213 million US dollars. Foreign trade volume in 2020 realized as 388 billion 879 million US dollars with a slight decline of 0.59% compared to the previous year. In 2020, the export/import coverage ratio was 77.2%. The export/import coverage ratio excluding gold realized as 85.8% (Figure 1).
    Since March, the world economies have been dealing with severe economic recession due to the Covid-19 epidemic, which has caused significant contraction in the whole world economy. As a result, Turkish exports declined to 32.4 billion US dollars in the second quarter of 2020. Despite the negative effects of the pandemic, exports started t

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